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Trudy Gold

About Trudy Gold

An image of Trudy Gold

Trudy Gold was the CEO of the London Jewish Cultural Centre and a founding member of the British delegation to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). Throughout her career she taught modern Jewish history at schools, universities, and to adult groups and ran seminars on Holocaust education in the UK, Eastern Europe, and China. She also led Jewish educational tours all over the world. Trudy was the educational director of the student resources “Understanding the Holocaust” and “Holocaust Explained” and the author of The Timechart History of Jewish Civilization.

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Trudy’s lectures (331)

4 January
The Son-in-Law Also Rises: David O. Selznick
5 January
David O. Selznick
11 January
Warnings and Sirens from History: The Nazis and the Dismemberment of Democracy
19 January
Holland and the Sephardim
21 January
Jews Arrive in America
26 January
The Holocaust and Me: A Discussion Between Three Families
27 January
Holocaust Memorial Day: How Did the Holocaust Happen?
2 February
Ben Hecht: Journalist, Screenwriter, and Zionist
11 February
The Longest Hatred, Part 1
25 February
The Longest Hatred, Part 2
1 March
Palestine in the 1920s and 1930s, Part 1
2 March
Palestine in the 1920s and 1930s, Part 2
4 March
Nazi Policies Toward Jews in the 1930s
8 March
The Jewish World on the Edge of War
11 March
Poland and the Jews
16 March
The Jews and the War: The Beginnings
18 March
Heroes of the Ghettos
21 March
Trudy Gold in Conversation with Anita Lasker-Wallfisch
25 March
Resistance in the Ghettos, Part 1
5 April
Resistance in the Ghettos, Part 2
6 April
Resistance in the Ghettos, Part 3
8 April
The Wannsee Conference
12 April
The Allied Declaration of 17th December 1942
19 April
Rescuers in Poland: A Dark and Complex Story
20 April
Zionism and the Holocaust, Part 1
26 April
Zionism and the Holocaust, Part 2
27 April
Zionism and the Holocaust, Part 3
29 April
Haj Amin El Husseini, Part 2
4 May
The Jews of Hungary, Part 1
6 May
The Jews of Hungary, Part 2
10 May
The Jews of Hungary, Part 3
13 May
Hungary and Rescuers
18 May
Slovakia: A Case Study, Part 1
20 May
Slovakia: A Case Study, Part 2
25 May
Anti-Semitism: The Socialism of Fools?
27 May
The Left, Jews, and Israel
31 May
Abba Kovner and Din
1 June
Soviet Jewry, The War and the Slansky Trials
10 June
Disraeli: A Love Affair
14 June
Zionism in World War II
15 June
The Vatican and Escape Routes
17 June
Book Launch: "Inside Thatcher's Last Election"
22 June
The Jewish World in 1945
23 June
The Champagne Spy: The Life of Wolfgang Lotz
24 June
Britain and Palestine in 1945
30 June
The Mandate Unravels
5 July
Golda Meir: Matriarch of a Nation
8 July
Churchill and The Jews, Part I
13 July
Churchill and The Jews, Part 2
15 July
Churchill and the Jews, Part 3
19 July
Churchill, the Jews and Palestine
20 July
Churchill, the Jews and the War Years
22 July
A Very British Mogul: Alexander Korda and Churchill
27 July
Napoleon, the Jews and Jewish Identity, Part 1
2 August
Napoleon, the Jews and Jewish Identity, Part 2
3 August
France: A Nation Divided
10 August
France: Heroes and Villains
16 August
From Dreyfus to Vichy: The Crisis of Jewish Identity, Part 1
17 August
From Dreyfus to Vichy: The Crisis of Jewish Identity, Part 2
23 August
Germany and Jewish Identity 1750’s – 1933, Part 1
26 August
Germany and Jewish Identity 1750’s – 1933, Part 2
30 August
Germany and Jewish Identity 1750’s – 1933, Part 3
31 August
Germany and Jewish Identity 1750’s – 1933, Part 4
2 September
Germany and Jewish Identity 1750’s – 1933, Part 5
13 September
The Impact of the Shoah and the Establishment of Israel on Jewish Identity
14 September
The Key to Jewish Survival
30 September
Major Trends in Modern Jewish History
5 October
Catherine de' Medici: A Case Study
6 October
Leo X and Clement VII: Medici Popes
7 October
Abravanel: Italy and the Medicis, Part 1
13 October
Moral Courage in Extremism: Janusz Korczak
19 October
Abravanel: Italy and the Medicis, Part 2
21 October
Jews, the Ottoman Empire, and Roxelana
27 October
Doña Gracia
28 October
The Duke of Naxos
1 November
Normans, Jews, Blood Libels, and Crusade
9 November
The Jews in England’s Green and Pleasant Land
11 November
The Church Triumphant and Exit the Jews
16 November
1290 and Expulsions: Where to Go?
23 November
Dr. Lopez and Other Conversos
25 November
Jews in the Dutch Republic, Part 1
30 November
Menasseh Ben Israel and the Return to England
2 December
Readmission of the Jews to England
7 December
Wagner and the Jews
9 December
Wagner, the Jews, and his Legacy
14 December
Hollywood and Leon Uris Film Exodus, Part 1
16 December
Hollywood and Leon Uris Film Exodus, Part 2
23 December
The Genius/Bad Taste of Mel Brooks
30 December
My Historic Jesus: Questions and Debate