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Trudy Gold
France: Heroes and Villains

Tuesday 10.08.2021


The challenges faced by Jews in France, exploring the tension between their loyalty to the country and pervasive societal prejudices. With France split between republicans and conservatives, the Jewish population, although a small minority, achieved remarkable success after emancipation, excelling in various fields. Grappling with societal changes and financial scandals, the French sought scapegoats, often blaming Jews. The discussion touches on Maurice Barres, a prominent member of the Academie Francaise, Theodore Reinach, also a member of the Academie Francaise, and other heroes and villains of the time.

Trudy Gold

An image of Trudy Gold

Trudy Gold was the CEO of the London Jewish Cultural Centre and a founding member of the British delegation to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). Throughout her career she taught modern Jewish history at schools, universities, and to adult groups and ran seminars on Holocaust education in the UK, Eastern Europe, and China. She also led Jewish educational tours all over the world. Trudy was the educational director of the student resources “Understanding the Holocaust” and “Holocaust Explained” and the author of The Timechart History of Jewish Civilization.

We are 60,000 and the numbers swell after 1881, so by 1900 there were under a hundred thousand.

It was a secret military document which proved that it was about, it was very minor. It was about troop, it was about cannoning placements and trooping placements.