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William Tyler

About William Tyler

An image of William Tyler

William Tyler has spent his entire professional life in adult education, beginning at Kingsgate College in 1969. He has lectured widely for many public bodies, including the University of Cambridge and the WEA, in addition to speaking to many clubs and societies. In 2009, William was awarded the MBE for services to adult education, and he has previously been a scholar in residence at the London Jewish Cultural Centre.

William’s lectures (154)

3 January
The Early Habsburgs
10 January
Charles V: The Sun Never Set on His Empire
17 January
The Empress Maria Theresa and Joseph II
24 January
The Emperor Franz Josef
31 January
The Rise of Nationalism in Vienna
7 February
The Origins of WWI
14 February
Defeat and Division
14 February
Wokeism and its Consequences
21 February
Karl and Zita: The End
28 February
Towards Anschluss
7 March
14 March
Harry Lime and Post War Vienna
28 March
Imperial Grandeur to The Sound of Music
29 March
The Crisis in Liberal Democracy
31 March
Into Europe: Austria Joins the EU
4 April
The Indigenous Inhabitants of the Americas
11 April
Freedom: Found, Lost, and Found Again: The Story of The Baltic States in the 20th Century
2 May
Russia Before the Czars: Kievan Rus to Muscovy
9 May
The First Tsar: Ivan the Terrible 1533-1598
9 May
The Burning of Books: Freedom of Speech
16 May
A Time of Troubles 1598-1613
23 May
The Early Romanovs: 1613-1696
30 May
Peter the Great: 1682–1725
6 June
Three Female Czars: Anna, Elizabeth, and Catherine
13 June
From Successful War to Failed Revolution
20 June
Alexander II: The Czar Liberator, 1856-1881
27 June
Toward the Abyss: Alexander III, 1881–1894
4 July
Toward the Abyss: Nicholas II, 1894–1917
11 July
1917: Two Revolutions, One Year
18 July
Stalin, Cold War, and Gerontocracy
25 July
Hope Dashed: Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and Putin
28 July
The Future of The British Monarchy or Second Republic?
5 September
Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia: Playthings of the Great Powers
13 September
Sweden: From a Northern Superpower to the Land of Abba
19 September
Queen Elizabeth II: A Reflection
20 September
Finland: The Frontline Between East and West in the 20th and 21st Centuries
3 October
The Historical Role of Religion and Politics
12 October
Languages and Borders: An Introduction to French History
20 October
Roman France
24 October
Can Leadership Be Taught?
25 October
The Early Middle Ages and Charlemagne
31 October
The Late Middle Ages: Will France Become England or England Become France?
7 November
Renaissance and Reformation
14 November
The Ancien Régime: 1643–1792
21 November
Revolution: Change for France, Europe, and the World
28 November
Napoleon: General and Emperor
5 December
Three Returning Bourbons and One Bonaparte: 1814-1871
12 December
Towards and Into War: 1914
19 December
Towards and Into Despair: 1918-1940