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Patrick Bade
The High Renaissance: Leonardo Da Vinci

Sunday 24.10.2021


The High Renaissance was a relatively short period, beginning around 1490 and ending around 1520, but it was nevertheless one of the high points in Western art. Patrick Bade discusses how this was a moment of harmony and equilibrium and shows some of the great masterpieces that were produced in this period.

Patrick Bade

An image of Patrick Bade.

Patrick Bade is a historian, writer, and broadcaster. He studied at UCL and the Courtauld Institute of Art. He was a senior lecturer at Christie’s Education for many years and has worked for the Art Fund, Royal Opera House, National Gallery, and V&A. He has published on 19th- and early 20th-century paintings and historical vocal recordings. His latest book is Music Wars: 1937–1945.

Well, that is iconography. It’s a whole science in itself. And, you know, it’s very, very specialised in different periods. You know, the iconography of the Italian Renaissance, the iconography of Baroque painting, the iconography of Dutch painting, it’s a real science. And there are many art historians who spend their whole lives trying to investigate what paintings mean, what everything symbolises in a painting.

I don’t feel that from his, there are certain artists, you look at their work and you think this artist really had faith, and faith is the inspiration of his work. No, I think Leonardo had curiosity rather than faith. I think he was asking questions rather than feeling that the Catholic Church was going to give him all the answers. So my guess is that he didn’t, but that’s just a personal opinion.

Yes, lots of things. I can’t even begin to talk about it here though. I hope I can bring that up maybe in other lectures.