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Howard Epstein
The Israeli Civil War: The Altalena Revisited

Sunday 23.01.2022


The Altalena Affair was a violent confrontation that took place in June 1948. Author Howard Epstein revisits this as well as the world of the Israeli Civil War and shares why this was such a powerful moment in Jewish history.

Howard Epstein

an image of Howard Epstein

Howard’s career as a solicitor spans more than five decades. He is a seasoned commercial lawyer and litigator, and has also written a biography (of Chaim Weizmann), a novel (a psychological thriller), a historical novel (about Sputnik and the space race) and a 350 page work of non-fiction, Traumatised Nation: How America Got To Be So Violent. He is presently writing “No Genius: Hitler’s Fatal Errors”.

Howard’s many articles on Israeli issues have been published in Manchester’s Jewish Telegraph newspaper and on, where scores of them, having gone viral weekly in the USA, remain on the website as a readily-available resource.

I suppose a massive piling in, an earlier completion of the, the Burma road and the massive piling in of troops. But I don’t think they had that many troops available. That was the problem.

Brings me to my final suggestion. After mentioning that even—and there’ve been a number of articles on the Times of London about the risk of civil war in America after the next election. And what I say is, in order to avoid a repetition, the Altalena and the analysis that I provided should be an object lessons for all Israelis. Unfortunately, this divisive and painful story is constantly brushed under the carpet where it never needs to be seen or considered.