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Trudy Gold
Churchill and The Jews, Part 2

Tuesday 13.07.2021

Trudy Gold | Churchill and the Jews, Part 2 | 07.12.21

- [Judi] And welcome everybody again, and over to you, Trudy.

Visuals displayed throughout the presentation.

  • [Trudy] Well, good evening everyone from London and I wish everyone well, I know lots of people are going through an awful time, so let’s all keep strong together. And you might have heard Judy and I chat. It was actually Wendy’s idea. Let’s go a little slower. And of course, William has been lecturing brilliantly on Churchill, the man, and I’m if you like, it’s a bit like the Jew and the elephant problem. I’m taking those parts of Churchill’s life that really impact on Jewish history. And today I’ll be looking at some quite controversial things.

Now, let me say from the outset that I think Churchill is one of the most remarkable people to have lived in the 20th century. Let’s analyse his background a little bit. He was the grandson of a Duke. He was an imperialist. He very much believed in the power of the British Empire. But on the other hand, he had a huge social conscience, and he very much did believe, in a paternalistic way, of helping those in need. Yes, there are some aspects of his record that today people find quite troubling, to put it mildly. But I think William dealt with that. I think William dealt with that very, very carefully.

And I want to say, as a British Jew who was born post-war, it was Churchill’s will that kept England safe, because there’s absolutely no doubt, there isn’t a historian who doesn’t agree with this, that if Churchill hadn’t become Prime Minister in May 1940, then there would’ve been a deal with Hitler. Probably Edward VIII would’ve been put on the throne. Churchill would’ve been murdered, and you would’ve had a puppet government, because never forget, the one thing the Germans didn’t really want was war with England. The English were Aryans, remember? And actually tonight, we’re going to have a lecture on race theory, from the brilliant professor Ken Gemes, which will fit into some of the things I’ve been talking about in the past.

So what I’m going to talk about today, I’m taking us January the second, 1919, when Churchill is at the War Office, and he is going to get involved in what is happening in the Russian Empire. Now I’m going to read you some of the comments that he makes, because it’s important to remember that post the Russian Revolution, civil war breaks out in Russia, the forces of the Trotskyite Red Army against the forces of the White Russians.

Now, what is absolutely important to remember is that once the fighting is over, the British, the Americans, and the French committed troops to stop Bolshevism. Bolshevism was always Churchill’s bogeyman. When William was talking about Stalin, Churchill summed up communism beautifully. And this is going back to that time in history when communism really took power. And one of the problems that I’m going to be talking about today is Churchill’s attitude to communism, and the problem because the majority of the leadership of the Communist Party in Russia, and also from country to country, were of Jewish birth. And this is going to cause a huge problem for Churchill.

So I’m going to start with a telegram that he wrote to the general commanding the British troops in North Russia. Remember, the British troops are fighting on the side of general Denikin, who runs the White Army. Any force Britain supported, even indirectly, must proceed according to the recognised laws and customs of law, and to be guided by human considerations. In view of the prominent part taken by Jews in the red terror and regime, there is a special danger of Jewish pogroms, and this danger must be combated strongly.

He warned General Holman, “Again, it is of the highest consequence "that General Denikin should do everything in his power "to prevent the massacres of Jews in the liberated districts "and should issue a proclamation against anti-Semitism. "The Jews are very powerful in England, "and if it could be shown that Denikin was protecting them "as his armies advanced, it would make my task easier. "I’ll be discussing that with you later.”

October the 14th, 1919, British troops had ceased fighting, but they were still giving supplies to the Whites. One result of continuing aid will be of mitigating the anti-Semitism, which the crimes of Jewish commissars have so fearfully excited, and which General Denikin has laboured to restrain. Now this is, again, Churchill to General Hacking, who was attached to the anti-Bolshevik forces in the south of Russia. “Everything will be done to prevent indiscriminate or wholesale execution. Above all, anything in the nature of pogrom will do immense harm to the Russians’ cause. All the influence of British representatives will be used in securing the safety of innocent Jews, and in a fair trial for all. If not done, we will refuse future munition supplies.”

And we also have a letter of complaints to General Denikin from the Prime Minister Lloyd George. Remember, this is the coalition government. “Your excellency, I know you will realise the vital importance at this time, when such brilliant results are being secured, of preventing by every positive means the ill treatment of the innocent Jewish population. My task of winning support in parliament for the Russian national cause will ultimately be harder if well-authenticated complaints continue to be received. I know the efforts you have already made, and the difficulty of restraining antisemitic feelings, but I beg you vindicate the honour of the volunteer army.”

Now, this is very, very important, because what on earth is going on in Russia? Now many of you will know this period very, very well. But what I’m going to do is I’m just going to give an outline, so that it brings you all up to date. So you understand why so many Jews were involved in the Russian Army, on the side of the Bolsheviks. And let me say from the beginning, I think this history is totally pertinent to, I would suggest at least 70% of the people listening who are Jewish, because never forget that between 1881 and 1921, we had this incredible exodus of the Jewish community from Eastern Europe. About 40% of them got out.

And it’s really, as I said to you a couple of weeks ago, it’s the basis of the largest proportion of American Jews, south African Jews, British Jews, Canadian Jews, and it’s also the Jews of the second, first and second Aliyah. So, but what I’m concerned with is those who didn’t leave. What happened to those who were caught by the first World War? Well, of course, when war broke out, the Russians didn’t believe that they could trust the Jewish community. After all, the Jews were the most evilly-treated community in Russia. All you have to do is to look at the terrible pogroms, the economic hardship that led to over 40%… 40% of the Jews living in the Russian Empire were on poor relief from Jews who already made it to the West.

So you’re looking at an impoverished community. You are looking at probably the most hated community in Russia, because you had the Christ-killer image. And, of course, you had the notion of Jews sucking the blood of the peasants, that terrible libel. So basically, when war breaks out, what happens is the Jewish community, where do they live? The Pale of Settlement is on the west of the Russian Empire. The Russian Empire was the largest empire in the world at this stage. It covered a sixth of the land surface of the globe.

Think about the whole sweep of Russia. And what happens is the Jews are living where? In that part of the Pale that was Poland, the Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, et cetera, that is the whole heartland of the Jewish world. As the Germans advance, of course, men are conscripted into the army, but over half a million men, women and children are frog-marched into the Russian interior, and over half a million of them died. So, it begins in this most terrible way. And then, of course, what happens is the Tsarist authorities finally collapse, Nicholas II abdicates, and you have Kerensky’s revolution. Why had so many of the leadership of the Jewish, of the Communist Party, why were so many of them Jewish?

And I don’t think it’s actually too difficult to understand. In many ways, it was the Haskalah that allowed for the… The Haskalah in Russia, that allowed for the first time Jews to become acquainted with the language and the literature of the outside world. And after it tightens up again, they’ve got nowhere left to go. Many of them can’t go back to the old Jewish world, and they look at the world around them. Now, as I said, 40% of them get out. And this does not affect the huge Hasidic community in Eastern Europe. They just go further and further inside themselves. But what about the other Jews? And there were many manifestations of revolt. I suppose the most interesting from a Jewish point of view is the Bund.

The Bund was created in the 1897, and what the Bund wanted, remember something else had happened in Russia, despite all the horrors. The last two Tsars, really beginning, no, I should say beginning after 1856, the last three Tsars, what they did was to increase the industrialization process. So against all the misery, you have a huge industrialization process, which is making matters worse, which meant the creation of a proletariat and a Jewish proletariat. And in the Jewish world, the Bund was created in 1897, and what they wanted was Jewish autonomy after the revolution. They believed that the Tsarist regime was evil, but they believed that they would fight with all the other minority groups to create a great new world of justice and peace.

But they would, particularly Jewish, they wanted to live in the diaspora. Yiddish was the language they pushed, and of course, this is the heyday of Yiddish literature, of Yiddish theatre, and later on, of course, Yiddish film. The other group, of course, were the socialist scientists. These were young people who said, “The world is never going to change for the Jews. We will need to reclaim our nationality, but we believe in social justice too.” And of course, these are the group of whom one of the communists said that the problem is the Bund is just Zionists who want, who suffered from seasickness, because the Bundists want Jewish separation back in a new world that will, once the Russian empire is destroyed, but back in that world, the Zionists want to go to Palestine to recreate the Jew, but they are socialists.

And then you come to the third group, quite a small group, but incredibly important. And these are the characters who say the whole world suffers, it’s not just the Jews. And if we destroy this evil world we live in and create a world of justice, then all the differences between people will disappear. They took on board the Marxist creed on religion, “Religion is the opiate of the masses.” I think it’s best summed up by Rosa Luxemburg, one of the great Jewish revolutionaries. She wrote a letter to a friend in which she said, “There is no room in my heart for Jewish suffering.”

Now, she didn’t mean that she wasn’t going to suffer for the Jews. What she meant was she’s going to suffer for everyone. Now the point is these are the three most important political groups. And ironically, many of the Bundists and the socialist Zionists took their ideas with them when they went west. So, and they’re very important movements in the Jewish world. Now the point was, of the leadership of the proletarian party, many of those leaders were of Jewish birth. They’ve thrown away their Jewishness, but that’s not the point. They were still seen as Jews. Now, I’m going to talk about a train that entered Russia.

What happened was this: all the revolutionaries, and most of them were in exile, be it Trotsky, , Kaminev, Zinoviev, or Lenin, they were in exile. They were against war. All you’ve got to do is think of Marx’s manifesto. “Workers of the world unite. "You have nothing to lose but your chains.” There had been a revolution in Russia in 1917, Kerensky’s Revolution. They got rid of the Tsar, but it was a patriotic revolution. They were still fighting the war. What if we could smuggle the Bolshevik leaders back into Russia, and they could take over the revolution, it would pull Russia out of the war. And this actually happens. And it, the whole idea was actually… It is the brainchild of an extraordinary character. who is called Parvis.

His real name is Alexander Helphand. His dates are 1867 to 1924. He was born in a little shtetl in Belarus. His name was Israel Lazarevich Gelfand. He was a very, very bright boy. What I’m going to be talking about is characters who really do walk the world. He got out of Russia very early on. He was very always attracted to revolutionary ideas. He was incredibly clever. He went to Germany because he was in trouble with the Okhrana. He becomes a friend of Rosa Luxemburg’s. He’s imprisoned with Trotsky in the Siberia, but he’s a man, as I said, he walks the world, we next find him in Turkey, where he’s obviously a real entrepreneur.

He becomes very wealthy. He goes into the arms trading business. He’s a financial and political advisor to the Young Turk Revolution, and becomes editor of their daily paper. He dealt with food supplies for the Turkish army. He also did business with… He was a real wheeler dealer. And there is even a rumour that he spied for Britain. But the point is, this man was a committed communist. Back in March 1915, he’d sent a 20-page plan to the German High Command, saying that if they sent a train of Bolsheviks and revolutionaries back into Russia, if they would sponsor a train, that could lead revolution.

And in fact, although at first the German High Command didn’t want to have anything to do with it, they then go with it. Now what happens to Helphand? He’s another subject of a film, I think after the Bolsheviks grew very tired of him. And he finished up living in Berlin, in a 32-roomed mansion on Peacock Island, where he wrote his memoirs. So, but what happens is the train does go into Russia. It leaves from Switzerland with 32 people on board, 20 men, 10 women, and two children. Over 60% of them were Jewish. You’re not looking at a large group, but I’m going to tell you who that group is, because in order to understand Churchill’s attitude, it’s important that I actually set the scene.

So who was on that train? Lenin, of course, we used to be able to say he was the one non-Jew of huge importance. But in fact, the anti-Semitic parties in Russia have now discovered that he had a Jewish grandmother. So Zinoviev, of course, 1888 to 1936, born Hirsh Apfelbaum. He later becomes head of the communist and international. He is going to be killed by Stalin. Up until 1934, he actually had a city named for him, Zinovyevsk. Kamenev, born Leo Rosenfeld, brother-in-law of Trotsky. He was the first head of the Soviet state. After the death of Lenin, he was actually acting Prime Minister.

Grigori Yakovlevich Sokolnikov. Oh, my pronunciation is so bad. Sokolnikov, he was born Yankelevich Brilliant, son of a Jewish doctor. Another brilliant young character who’s going to play an incredibly important part in the revolution. Karl Radek born Karol Sobelsohn, he edited the party paper. He was the vice, the commissar for foreign affairs, very close to Trotsky, murdered by Stalin later on. Now going back to and then Yakov Sverdlov, his father was already a revolutionary. He was chairman of the All-Russian Central Committee after the revolution, he actually died in the pandemic of 1919.

Now, he is quite important in one way. After the revolution, he becomes chairman of the executive committee. In effect, he’s head of state. Incredibly clever. He had a total photographic memory, and he was the person who was really leading. He was the person who led the onslaught against many of the clerics, the priests. And a White Army general who escaped in 1922 wrote a book called “Murder of the Tsars.” And in this book, the whole thing is portrayed as a Jewish revenge plot against Russia. Now I’m turning to Trotsky’s diary. There’s a conversation between Trotsky and Sverdlov. Love Trotsky says to Sverdlov, “Where is the Tsar?” “Finished, shot.” “Where is the family?” “Along with him, all of them.” “Who made the decision?” says Trotsky. “Lenin believed we shouldn’t leave the Whites a banner.” “We decided it here.”

So what we can say is that in effect, he was the man who gave the order for the death of the Tsar. And of course this was very, very well known. Anyway, as you all know, it happened. They took power. And in January 1918, Trotsky, Lev Davidovich Bronstein, heads the reorganisation of the Red Guard into a workers’ and peasants army. He appointed political commissars to every unit to make sure everyone behaved themselves. Later on there was mandatory conscription of the peasantry, and tragically, to ensure compliance, hostages were taken. He also used former Czech soldiers. What happened was that he would, he used them as military specialists. Often families were held hostage.

So you have the ruthless Trotsky creating the Red Army. And on March the third, 1918, a peace deal is done with Germany. That is what exactly Germany wanted. If we send that train in, the Soviets will pull us out of the war. So the Bolsheviks signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with the Germans, the Hapsburgs, the Bulgarians, and the Ottomans, and it’s signed in German-controlled Brest-Litovsk. It took two months of negotiations. The Bolsheviks ceded control over the Baltic states, and they recognised an independent Ukraine.

This is important to those of you who left Lithuania and Latvia after the first World War, because you’re going to see the rise of appalling anti-Semitism. The treaty was actually annulled by the armistice. But the point is, I want you to imagine the image of the Jewish Trotsky, looking so Jewish in his big great coat, with his number two, who is also Jewish, signing with the German High Command. And that’s an image that shot all the way around the world. So who was leading the opposition to the Bolsheviks? The White Army. The White Army under General Denikin. It was a broad front of monarchists, conservatives, landowners, reactionaries, army generals.

Also those who were against a one-party state, because many people were terrified of Bolshevism. It was under the loose controlled a man called Admiral Alexander Kolchak, and then General Denikin. There was a separate Ukrainian nationalist movement in Ukraine with Simeon Petlyura. And there was an Anarchist Army, led by Nestor Makhno. Now it’s the White Army that had the support of the foreign troops. To quote Churchill, “Bolshevism must be strangled in its cradle.” So what happens is that Denikin’s army are on the onslaught against the Bolsheviks. The Poles try and go for freedom.

The civil war in the Ukraine, and the upshot is upwards of a hundred thousand Jews are murdered. The pogroms, these pogroms were swallowed up in later on with the Shoah, but it was up until that time, it was an absolutely appalling period in Jewish history. And this is why you have these letters from Churchill saying, “Stop the slaughter.” And it was this… But the problem was that the people who were fighting the Bolsheviks, they really believed it was a Jewish conspiracy. Denikin, who was an extremely religious Russian Orthodox, he believed that there were reasons to hate the Jews, and wished to avoid an issue that he felt would really divide his people.

Now this is a war correspondent, a man called John Ernest Hodgson. He was a British war correspondent who was attached to Denikin’s army. And this is what he wrote, because the Whites and Petlyura are the ones responsible for the majority of the pogroms. And this is what he wrote. “I had not been with Denikin for more than a month before I was forced to the conclusion that the Jew represented a very big element in Russian upheaval. The officers and men laid practically all the blame for their country’s troubles on the Hebrews. They held that the whole cataclysm had been engineered by some great and secret society of international Jews, who in the pay and at the orders of Germany, had seized the psychological moment, and snatched the reins of government. All then the figures and facts were available seem to lend colour to this contention. No less than 82% Commissars were known to be Jews.

The fierce and implacable Trotsky, who shared an office with Lenin, being a Yiddisha whose real name was Bronstein, amongst Denikin’s officers, this idea was an obsession of such terrible bitterness and insistency as to make statements of the wildest and most fanatical character. When I told them that England owed a great deal to its loyal Jews, they stared at me. They stared at me in a strange way, and sadly shook their heads in fear for England’s credulity entrusting the chosen race. When America showed itself against any interference in Russia, the idea also gained credence that Wilson was a Jew.”

So that’s the kind of background. And so this is the situation that Churchill faces, and Churchill has something else to worry about, because something has hit London, and a copy of it is sent to Churchill. And that is “The Protocols” of the elders of Zion. The Protocols, of course, were those notorious forgery that comes out of Russia. I could spend hours discussing the origins of “The Protocols,” and in fact, about six months ago I did. May I recommend that there are two or three very good books on “The Protocols.” It’s based on a whole succession of forgeries, and it came out of Russia, probably written by a man called Sergei Nilus, but there were other editions, and it talks about a Jewish plot to take over the world. It takes on board the notion that every Jew is in league with every other Jew.

So if the Rothchilds are bankers, and that Karl Marx, the symbol of international communism, and the Rothchilds the symbol of international capitalism, and you throw into the mix of few press barons, the Jews control the press, they control communism, they control capitalism, in fact, they control the world. Now the problem with “The Protocols” is it’s spread like wildfire. Look, we’re in the middle of a pandemic. How often do we hear absolute rubbish from people about not being inoculated, because there’s some serious plot to put chips in us. I’ve heard this from about half a dozen people. When times are hard, it does seem that people need a scapegoat. And because the Jews are such a misunderstood people, and at this stage of the game, I mean today there are about 14 million Jews in the world.

At this stage there are about 18 million. You are talking about a tiny speck of humanity. But as we’ve talked about, certainly in the western world, in the old world of Christianity, and laterally in the world of Islam, the Jews have huge high profile. And we will discuss this in another presentation. Anyway, “The Protocols” spread like wildfire. It was first published in Paris, at the time of the Dreyfus Affair. Now this is where I’m, this is the point I have to come onto. What happens is “The Protocols” come out of Russia, mainly with the White armies and people coming from the Balkans. It spreads like wildfire in Munich. It spreads throughout the German lands. It gives the Kaiser huge satisfaction. And the first edition actually appears in London. And we know that it’s sent to Churchill. And Martin Gilbert talks about this in his brilliant book, “Churchill and the Jews.”

In January 1920, “The London Times” discusses, very respectfully, a German edition of the tract dated 1919. It called for an inquiry into what it called the “Uncanny note of prophecy.” The first English language edition, “The Jewish Peril: The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.” There were lots of English translations. It was first published by Eyre & Spottiswoode, and a man called Lord Redesdale wrote the introduction to the first British Edition. And of course Lord Redesdale is the grandfather of the Mitford girls. In 1920, five editions fully sold out in England. You see, Bolshevism was seen as such a terrible curse. It wasn’t just Russia.

Those of you who have been online for a while, will know that, from your own reading, revolution spread throughout Germany. There was a revolution in Hungary, and the majority of the leadership were of people of Jewish birth. I can say this until I’ve gone blue, purple and green. These characters had thrown away their Jewishness. They were atheistic. Look, it was Jewish commissars in Russia itself who broke down Jewish life. So they don’t feel any sympathy for their own people. They are internationalists with this dream of changing the world. But the fact that they are Jews, they are of Jewish parentage. T

hey are therefore seen in a world that now believes in race, as of the Jewish race. And this is something that Ken Gaines will be talking about tonight. Now in America, Henry Ford sponsored 500,000 copies. 1920, 21. It is actually exposed as a forgery by two people. Lucien Wolf, who’s an English journalist, English-Jewish journalist, and by a man called Philip Graves, who is actually the uncle of the famous Robert Graves, who wrote so many beautiful books. “I, Claudius,” “Claudius the God,” he was the Times correspondent in Constantinople.

And he actually uncovered the whole process of the literary forgery that are “The Protocols.” And the headline in the “Times of London,” “Our Constantinople correspondent presents for the first time conclusive proof that the document in the main is a clumsy plagiarism.” And on the 4th of September, 1921, it’s reprinted in the New York Times. Okay, so that’s the background.

And now let’s talk about Churchill. Churchill was an incredibly multifaceted character. Not only is he going to save England in the war, not only is he a politician, not only is he a painter and he’s also a talented writer. Never forget that he actually won the Nobel Prize in 1953. He’s also a journalist, and certainly in the thirties he was always short of money, and quite often it was Jewish friends who bailed him out. He had a lot of Jewish friends, as I explained last time.

But, on the Sunday in, in the Sunday herald of February 8th, 1920, he writes an article, “Zionism Versus Bolshevism: "A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People.” And obviously I’m not going to read the whole article, but it is online if you want to read it later. What I suggest you do, you just put that online, “Zionism versus Bolshevism, Winston Churchill, February the eighth, 1920.” And you will have the article to read. And I’m just going to read some of it for you.

The first, the opener is actually quite, its fascinating. “Some people like Jews and some do not, but no thoughtful man can doubt the fact that they are beyond all question the most formidable and the most remarkable race which has ever appeared in the world. Disraeli, the Jew Prime Minister of England, the leader of the conservative party, who was always true to his race and proud of his origin, said on a well-known occasion, “'The Lord deals well with nations as the nations deal with the Jews.‘” Certainly when we look at the miserable state of Russia, where of all countries of the world where Jews were most cruelly treated, and contrasted with the fortunes of our own country, we see that Disraeli was right.”

Now, then he goes on to say, “The conflict between good and evil, which precedes unceasingly in the breast of man, nowhere reaches such intensity as in the Jewish race. The dual nature of mankind is nowhere more strongly or more terribly exemplified. We owe to the Jews, in the Christian revelation, a system of ethics, which even if they were entirely separated from the supernatural, will be incomparably the most precious possession of mankind. And it may well be that this astounding race may at the same time be in the actual process of producing another system of morals and philosophy as malevolent as Christianity was benevolent.”

So what he’s saying, they gave us the gospel of Christ, is it that they’re now going to give us the gospel of the anti-Christ? He actually says, “If the gospel of Christ and the gospel of anti-Christ were destined to originate amongst the same people, and that this mystic and mysterious race "has been chosen for the supreme manifestations, both of the divine and the diabolic.” And then he goes on to say, because I’m going to stick my neck out. I do not believe Churchill was an anti-Semite. I think he’s a man of his time. And I’ll be backing this up in the next couple of lectures. “There can be no greater mistake than to attribute to each individual a recognisable share in the qualities which make up the national character. There are all sorts of men, good, bad, and for the most part indifferent.”

Then he goes on to say, “In a people of peculiar genius like the Jews, contrasts are more vivid, the extremes are more widely separated.” Then he talks about the danger, the international Jews. In violent opposite, he talks about Jews living in England. He talks about Jews who have helped in the war. And he talks about Jews in England who have given so much to England, never forget. And he also talks about how some have won the Victoria Cross. So basically, and please remember the number of Jewish friends he had, then he talks about international Jews, “This movement amongst the Jews. It’s not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, down to Trotsky, Bela Kun, and Rosa Luxemburg and Emma Goldman, this worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and further the reconstitution of society,” et cetera, et cetera.

So he knows all about, remember he’s incredibly smart. He knows all about the Jewish involvement in revolution. And he goes on to say what’s going on, he calls them terrorist Jews, "With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. The principle inspiration and driving power in Russia "comes from Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski,” they’re both Russian, “cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinoviev, Krassin or Radek - all Jews.” And so he goes on, and on, and on.

And then he says, then he comes up with his solution. So we’ve got the Jews who are national in the countries in which they live, we have the internationalists. But then he says, there is another way. “It becomes specially important to foster and develop "any strongly marked Jewish movement which leads "directly away from these fatal associations. And it is here that Zionism has such a deep significance for the whole world. Zionism offers the third sphere to the political inception of the Jewish race.” Calls them a race, calls us a race. “In violent contrast to international communism, it presents to the Jew a national idea of commanding character. It has fallen to the British government, as a result of the conquest of Palestine, to have the opportunity and responsibility of securing for the Jewish race all over the world, a home and centre of national life.

“The fiery energies of Dr. Weissmann, the leader, for practical purposes, backed by many of prominent British Jews and the support of Lord Allenby are all directed to achieving the success.” Then he says, “Of course, Palestine is far too small "o accommodate more than a fraction of the Jewish race, nor do the majority of national Jews wish to go there.” He’s talking about the Jews in England who are happy. The Jews in America who are happy, “But if, as may well happen, there should be created in our own lifetime by the banks of the Jordan, a Jewish state under the protection of the British Crown, which might compromise three or four million, an event would’ve occurred in the history of the world, which from every point of view be beneficial.”

And then he goes on to say that Zionism has already become a very important factor turning Jews away from Bolshevism. So this is a very important article he wrote. And as I said, you can get hold of it, and I really do suggest you do, because I think that, I think you’ll find it interesting. Now, “The Jewish Chronicle,” though wrote, they blasted the article, and I’m going to read what they had to say.

“The Secretary of War charges Jews with originating the gospel of antichrist, with engineering a worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization. He also charges the ex-Jew Trotsky, who has jeeringly cast aside every connection with Judaism and refused even to listen to Jewish pleas for protection from massacre with a scheme for a worldwide communist state "under Jewish domination. This,” declared the editorial writer in the “Chronicle,” was quote unquote, “The gravest, as it’s the most reckless and scandalous campaign in which even the most discredited politicians have ever engaged,” et cetera, et cetera.

So he said that, they go on to say they don’t like Mr. Churchill’s double-edged depreciation in return for some approach to justice. However, and this is where, you know, we’ve got to, we have to walk a balancing, we’ve got to walk a tightrope here. I’ve already mentioned to you that Churchill had been sent a copy of “The Protocols.” Amongst Churchill’s friends were some of the richest Jews in England. And I think this is the problem to the, even a man like Churchill, you know, there’s that incredible quote by Elias Canetti, I’m actually going to lecture on that subject.

There are no people more difficult to understand than the Jews. It’s the whole notion that if you have Jewish capitalists, if you have Jewish communists, somehow we’re all in league with each other for somewhat… For Jewish desires, Jewish aims. And that’s the problem with the conspiracy theory. Did it touch Churchill? He certainly hated Bolshevism. And it’s true, the bulk of the leadership were people who were born Jewish. I don’t think he understood that they’d completely thrown it away. Although there are some tales to be said on that.

You know, when Zinoviev was executed by Stalin, the story was that he said the Shema, who knows? Who knows. But on the other hand, he had huge support for Zionism. And this is the Earl of Darby who writes to Churchill. And because already the government are beginning to wonder, now it’s 1920, and I will be turning to Palestine, because Churchill at the moment, he’s in the, he’s Minister of War, but he’s going to become the Minister for the Colonies. And that meant Palestine and Mesopotamia. So I will be talking about that.

And already by 1920, there are people in the government who think the British have made a huge mistake by issuing the Balfour Declaration. This is a letter from the Earl of Darby. “I look upon mandating Palestine and the Zionist state as being dangerous in the extreme. It has made a lot of bad feeling between us and France, who think they should be the prominent power in Syria. And we’re going to create a Zionist state composed of every Bolshevik Jew who will come from the middle of Europe.”

Now, one of the other interesting aspects, many of the soldiers who were now going to Palestine were those who had been fighting with the Whites. And they also brought with them “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” in their knapsacks. And don’t forget the kibbutz movement. Don’t forget how many of those settlers, of the second Aliyah in particular, they were on the edge between Zionism and communism. Some of the kibbutzim were communist kibbutzim. But this is the dream time. How many of us, when we were kids, were actually attracted to these kind of ideas?

The problem is it presupposes that people are born good, and then if you give them each according to their needs, then greed, et cetera will disappear. We live in much more cynical times now than we did then. But I think the point is that Churchill really did believe in Zionism, because it, partly pragmatically, partly, I think, a certain sense of idealism. And there’s no doubt that he was very fond of Chaim Weissmann, and something else. Very soon, January 1921, Lloyd George, that’s when Lloyd George appoints him Secretary of State for the Colonies.

But before we get onto that, there is a fascinating libel case that he’s going to be involved in because, can we go on Judy, because of his friendship with people like Sir Ernest Cassel. So if we could go on Judy, and have a look at another picture. I want to see… There you go. What on earth, why has Oscar Wilde and his lover, Boise, just cropped up? Because it’s Lord Alfred Bruce Douglas Boise, who is going to accuse Churchill of being completely in league with the Jews.

So I’m going to give you a little bit of background of Boise. He came from a very fractured background. He was the third son of the Marquis of Queensbury. He was his mother’s favourite child. She called him Boise. Look at that petulant face. She divorced the father in 1887 for adultery. And then she went off, she became a Roman Catholic and went off to live in Paris. He had the traditional aristocratic education. He went to Winchester and then he went to Oxford. He left without graduating, but he was part of the kind of fey set at Oxford. He edited a journal called “Spirit Lamp.” He had huge conflict with his father, who himself, the Marquis of Queensbury himself came from a completely, to say it was a fractured background…

I mean, psychologist, where are you? His grandfather, Boise’s grandfather, his father’s father, had committed suicide. And one of his uncles, Lord John Douglas, was so deeply attached to his twin sister that when she married, he abducted a woman and was, he was sent off to an asylum for a while. He became an alcoholic, deeply depressed. And he committed suicide by cutting his own throat. So you’re looking at a boy who came from, to put it mildly, an incredibly troubled background. And then he meets Oscar Wilde.

Boise was very, very beautiful, and there’s no question of that. Oscar found him deeply attractive. He met him because he considered himself an intellectual, and he had translated Wilde’s play, “Salome” from French into English. It was a very, very poor translation. But the point is, Oscar fell for him. And the relationship became incredibly public. It antagonised Queensbury, whose eldest son had committed suicide because an alleged affair with the Prime Minister. So there’s already this, the father is already terrified that his son is involved with other men, and he accuses Wilde publicly of sodomy.

And it’s Boise who eggs Wilde on to bring a case against the father for criminal libel. Wilde’s friends beg him not to do it. The problem is the defence to libel is truth, and Wilde lost everything. He lost his wife, his children, and he was sentenced to hard labour in Redding jail for two years. It broke him, it breaks his spirit, it breaks his health. Boise did join him in Europe after his release, but after three months he went on the road again. And when Wilde died, of course Boise ostentatiously is the chief mourner. But there was an altercation at the graveside between Wilde’s close friends, who thought that he was a complete user.

Anyway, later on he becomes a Roman Catholic. He repudiates Wilde, and then he finds, in 1920, he founds a right-wing, Catholic, deeply anti-Semitic magazine called “Plain English.” And this is from August of 1920. Issue number eight publishes a series of articles called “The Jewish Peril,” suggesting that Britain should have a Ku Klux Klan. This is all part of “The Protocols.” And from December 1920 onwards, he begins publishing allegations that a powerful individual in the admiralty had alerted the Germans at the battle of Jutland that the British had broken their code, and that Churchill had falsified a report, in return from a large sum of money from Sir Ernest Cassel, who had financially profited. This was basically the story.

It also, he also insinuated that Kitchener, Lord Kitchener, was murdered by the Jews. The allegations were not only made in the magazine, but also at a public meeting. He issued a pamphlet, which where he distributed 30,000 copies, and it was called “The Murder of Lord Kitchener "and the Truth about the Battle of Jutland.” Now in the end, Churchill, Lloyd George’s government falls. You have a new government. Churchill finds it very difficult to get a parliamentary seat. This issue, this libel issue, keeps on coming up time and time again. Is he in the pay of the Jews? I’ve already mentioned the fact that “The Protocols,” five editions had sold out in England. It’s the end of the war. There was a pandemic, you know, there was a recession in England. So basically, all the notion of scapegoating.

So in the end, it’s the British government, The Crown decides to bring a case against Douglas on behalf of Churchill. Now, Boise’s allegation, why on earth would Churchill announce British defeat? Knowing that when the news was flashed around the world, British securities would tumble, allowing a group of Jewish financiers, and he named Sir Ernest Cassel, to actually snap them up. And he also said that Churchill’s reward was 40,000 pounds worth of furniture from Cassel. Now the reality, as I said last week was yes, Rothschild, Cassal, Barrinder, Hirsch, after Churchill’s father died when Churchill was only 20, they did look after him. They did give him furniture, they paid his kit, but there’s absolutely no evidence of any collusion, et cetera.

Let me give you a, sorry, 1923. When he treat, 'cause he lost his seat at the election, when he goes to West Leicester, he was met by, he was actually barred, “You are in the pay of the Jews.” So the morning post, actually the morning post stated the accusations came from Lord Douglas, and called them “Vile accusations against the Jews.” Douglas then sues the newspaper. And during the cross-examination, Philip Hastings asked, he’s the barrister. “Do you mean that Mr. Churchill was financially indebted to the Jews?” “Yes, certainly,” replies Douglas. “Do you want to persist?” “Of course I do.”

And when he was, Churchill was called and he was asked about the Jutland communique. “Has it anything to do with any manipulation of stocks in any market in the world?” Churchill replied, “It never entered my head.” He was then asked, “Do you make a penny piece of money?” To which he replied, “No.” Now the post was found, the post didn’t have enough evidence, and they were fined guilty of libel. But they were given a ha'penny damages, but he was, (indistinct). But Boise was only awarded ha'penny damages, which is basically saying “we can’t prove it, "but we know you are guilty, and you are guilty of libelling "and you’ll have to pay the costs.”

So, but that wasn’t enough, because he was furious. So he publishes the text again, and he sent Churchill a covering note. “I challenge you to show your face in the witness spot.” And this is when the Crown decides to bring a case against him for criminal libel. It took them eight minutes to reach its verdict, and Douglass was sentenced to six months in prison. And this is what the Attorney General proclaimed in court on Churchill’s behalf. “No plot, no phoney communique, no stock market raid, and no presence of prime furniture.”

Now, Douglas wrote absolutely vile things, he said terrible things about African-Americans. I’m not going to demean by using the words. He referred to Jews as kites, and he says there are more kites in the USA than in Warsaw. And he also wrote in “Plain English,” “It is strange that Jews, with all their race memory, forget the lessons of the past, and head again for destruction by exasperating the people amongst whom they dwell.” This is a poem he wrote in jail. He was his, remember he’s sentenced for six months.

“The leperous spawn of scattered Israel spreads its contagion in your English blood; teeming corruption rises like a flood whose fountains swelter in the womb of hell. You Jew-kept politicians buy and sell in markets redolent of Jewish mud, and whilst the learned elders chew the cud of liquidation’s fruits, they weave their spell. They weave the spell that binds the heart’s desire to gold and gluttony and sweating lust: in hidden hold they stew the mandrake mess that kills the soul… that turns desire to dust and postulates the abyss of nothingness.

He also, he was the first person to have a letter from a correspondent in Germany telling the British about a Herr Hittler, spelled H I T T L E R, as the German white labour leader. He does recant his views in the, he does recant his views in the late twenties. But the point is the damage is done. And the reason I wanted to read you that poem, because I think it’s important that you understand, this is real anti-Semitism. Churchill’s article, is it anti-Semitic? I don’t actually think it is.

I think in the end you have to look at the sum total of a person’s life. And we’ve got at least two more sessions to deal with with Churchill. So I wanted to use this also as a vehicle to explain the horror of what had happened to the Jews in Eastern Europe. It’s no… Many Jews did turn to Bolshevism. I’m not talking about the leadership, because anything was better than the pogramists. But tragically, so many of them paid for it. And as we know, Stalin perverted any kind of hope of any sort of decent system. And Churchill very early on knew the measure of the man.

So I think I’ll stop there, if that’s all right, Judy. And let’s have a look at the questions.

Q&A and Comments

Q: "Might we have some sessions on South Africa?” A: Certainly you can, and it’s going to happen. It’s going to happen from, Wendy and I will be discussing it. And I would imagine it will probably be after , because one of the things that we have decided to do is to make August a little lighter. We’re going to do a lot on film. And people are saying thank you to Lockdown University.

Q: This is from Marilyn, “The post-war generation understand the importance of Churchill, the fight against that fascism. How do you teach the younger generation the importance of the above?” A: We’ve just got to teach them history, basically, and teach them history properly. Look, oh, and I, don’t get me onto that subject. It’s something that’s very passionate to my heart.

Yes, tragically, in late 19th and early 20th century Russia, pogroms were encouraged by both sides of the political part. Be careful, Anna, because in the 19th and early 20th century, up until the revolution, and certainly up until under the Tsars, Nicholas II was the most anti-Semitic of all the Tsars, the Bolsheviks, yes, there were some horrific crimes committed by the Bolsheviks. They, and it’s a whole different issue when you’re talking about Stalin and the Jews.

Q: “Can we say Stalin was an anti-Semite?” A: That is a fascinating question. Look, Stalin murdered 40 million people. How do you deal? How do you deal?

Q: “Have I devoted a lecture to the Bund?” A: Yes, I’m afraid I have. But there are some excellent books on the Bund, and I’m sure we’ll be coming back to many of these things in the future.

Names and authors of books about “The Protocols.” “The Lie That Didn’t Die,” by Hadassa Ben Ito, she’s an Israeli judge, “The Lie That Didn’t Die.” In fact, there was a case brought against the silver shirts in South Africa, which we’ll be talking about when we talk about South Africa. And the other book is “Warrant for Genocide,” by Professor Norman Kong.

“I’m always confused at 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ being characterised as a forgery, implying that it’s a copy of a legitimate, previously-existing document. I think it would be more accurate to describe it as a fabrication.” Ron, are you a lawyer? Because of course you are right. It’s always referred to as a forgery because it isn’t true. But I think you’re right, a fabrication is a better word.

Yes, Anna, “The Protocols” do continue to be translated, published and read throughout the world. You see, it’s so simple. It’s the biggest trick in the book. Find someone to blame and throw all the, you know, think about Yom Kippur, think about the notion of sacrificing the black goat. Come on, we even invented that, didn’t we?

This is from Marilyn.

Q: “Were not Churchill’s family, followers of Christian apologists, vis-a-vis the hardships they had perpetrated against Jews was there not such a movement in Britain in the 18th century, perhaps connected to the league?” A: And Marilyn, it’s a very good question. And in fact, later on, William and I are going to be looking at Cromwell. It begins with Cromwell, and the levellers and that kind of thought. Churchill, no, I don’t think that’s part of his family background. In a couple of weeks, William’s going to look at Napoleon. I’m going to look at Napoleon and the Jews. Later on, William will look at Alexander II, I’ll look at Alexander II and the Jews. So you will get more Russian history then , and later on Cromwell.

“Surely,” this is from Angela. “Surely many Jews supported Bolshevism because of the terrible treatment they’ve received over centuries from the White Russians and the Tsars.” Yes, of course.

“A possible explanation of the prominent roles of Jews in the Russian revolution was that they were educated, as opposed to the peasantry who were illiterate.” Yeah, look, yes, the Jews were, look, it’s quite easy to come to the fore in a working class movement when you are literate.

Tibor Gross “Cannot but see a scary similarity to the Zionist and the Bolshevik movement and today’s Street, far left liberals with clear socialist ideas supporting Israel and trying to fight anti-Semitism.” Yeah, there’s nothing new under the sun, is there Tibor? It just changes names. Petlyura was assassinated by Sholom Schwartzbard in 1926. He was acquitted. Yes, I did that court case, actually, quite a long time ago. It’s a fascinating story. Schwartzbard assassinated Petlyura in Paris. And because he managed to prove that Petlyura was responsible for the death of 15 members of his own family, and in France you have justifiable homicide as a category, he was set free. I went with Patrick to a graveyard in Paris, because you know, look, we’re both crazy. And we went to this graveyard, and I didn’t go for that purpose, but we went to the tomb of Petlyura. And every day nationalists put flowers by it. He’s still, Petlyura is still a hero in the Ukraine.

Marla, “It’s my birthday, please answer my question.” Which I tried to, “I love your lectures, but I can’t always listen to them. Are your lectures archived?” Yes, and the good news is once the website is up, you can have access to all our lectures.

Elise, “The Lie That Wouldn’t Die.” Yeah.

Q: “What is the difference between communism and Bolshevism?” A: Have you got half an hour? Bolshevism, Menshevism, Bundism. I will, when I talk about Alexander II, I will begin to talk about the differences in these meetings. It’s fascinating. There was an, all these revolutionaries met, communism is the overview word, but within the, in the communist groups, there were many different factions. The Bolsheviks, which means majority, the Mensheviks, which mean minority, but it’s much more than that. So at some stage, Marcel, I’d like to talk in more detail.

Q: “Can we get reading lists from these lectures?” A: Yes, there is one that we did a while back, but I am having, but we will be doing another one in August, a more comprehensive one.

This is from Linda. “You’ve cleared the history of my grandmother, who handed out anti-Tsarist literature on , and fled to New York in her late teens. Thank you.” Yes. You know, in my own family, there were Bundists, there were Zionists, left-wing Zionists, there were communists. There was a great uncle who didn’t leave the communist party till Hungary.

Q: Nick, “When England closed Palestine to Jewish immigration in the thirties, how vocal was church’s opposition?” A: Nick, I will be doing a whole session on this. And also from Ellie Kaminski is also a hero of the Ukraine. Yes. Yeah. You know this statue destroying is very interesting. There are statues of Kaminev still over the place. Yeah. You know, this is where Jewish irony comes into play. As I said a few weeks ago, I object to some of the stained glass windows in churches. Particularly in Catholic churches, which depict, there’s a ghastly one in Paris, which depict, but so, and what about the cathedral in Strasbourg, where you have the synagogue downcast and blindfolded? I mean, are we going to ask that be destroyed? Let’s be careful.

Ellie, “I heard a Jewish describe how the Jews wanted a new religion, and that was communism in various forms. They wanted to have a religious movement that belonged.” You know, Ellie, I think the point was they’d left the Jewish world, they found the outside world evil, and they had to create a new world for themselves. And it was idealistic, I think before the revolution. In the main, they were idealists.

I think that’s it, actually, Jude.

  • [Judy] Yes, that was wonderful. Thank you so much, Trudy.

  • [Trudy] Thank you, my darling.

  • [Judy] Thank you to the many 1,700 people that joined us this afternoon. And we’ll see everybody in about an hour for our next tour. So take care everybody. Stay safe.