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Dr Hilary Pomeroy
Salonica: The Rise and Fall of a “Jewish” City

Sunday 21.07.2024


Within decades of their expulsion from Spain, Sephardic Jews dominated Salonica’s commercial life and Sephardic culture flourished. At the turn of the 20th century, half of the city’s population was Jewish, the port shut on Saturdays, and Ladino was widely spoken even by non-Jews. However the situation changed dramatically after the city was incorporated into Greece following the almost total destruction of Salonica’s Jews during the Holocaust.

Dr Hilary Pomeroy

an image of Hilary Pomeroy

Dr Pomeroy holds a PhD from the department of Hispanic Studies, Queen Mary University of London and is teaching fellow emerita in the Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University College London. She has been an invited speaker at universities and institutions throughout Europe and has published numerous articles on Sephardi culture.