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Sandra Myers
Wayward Women

Thursday 29.06.2023


Comparatively little history has been written about women & even less so about Jewish women. They traditionally followed convention; That is to say, married young to a suitable husband of their fathers choice. There were, however, some who one could say were wayward & this is the story of just a few, who left an enormous mark on the society of their day.

Sandra Myers

an image of Sandra Myers

Sandra Myers did her MA in Jewish history at UCL and was a director of the LJCC (London Jewish Cultural Centre) from its inception. She has worked for over 20 years with the Citizens Advice Bureau.

Okay. Not a feminist. That’s an interesting question. I think I am pretty much a traditional Jewish housewife. I still buy kosher meat. I still like to have my family for Friday night dinners and all the Jewish holidays. I have had a fair education. I don’t believe that women are in any way superior to men. I don’t mean that men are any way superior to women. I just think that we should all have equal opportunities and equal rights, and that’s what I see. I wouldn’t put women’s requirements particularly above anything that would be considered acceptable, put it that way. I wouldn’t burn my bra, as we used to do. I’m not one for demonstrating, although we did march with the Refuseniks. But I think that I’ve led too, not comfortable a life, I’ve led a life where I have been able to do pretty much what I’ve wanted to do. I’ve been educated, and I expect my children and my granddaughters, my daughters and my granddaughters to have the same advantages. I don’t see why being a feminist or not being a feminist should make any difference to that.