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Trudy Gold
The Great Libel: The Nazification of Israel, Part 1

Tuesday 23.05.2023


As the Communist East became alienated from the concept of a Jewish State, a pernicious thread developed in its anti-Israel rhetoric. Events in Zionist, Jewish, and Israeli history were grotesquely twisted. It led to the ultimate calumny—not only was Zionism a form of racism, but it equated Nazism with Zionism. Many of these ideas gradually percolated into the left and have distorted their view of Jews and Israel. Part 1 of 3.

Trudy Gold

An image of Trudy Gold

Trudy Gold was the CEO of the London Jewish Cultural Centre and a founding member of the British delegation to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). Throughout her career she taught modern Jewish history at schools, universities, and to adult groups and ran seminars on Holocaust education in the UK, Eastern Europe, and China. She also led Jewish educational tours all over the world. Trudy was the educational director of the student resources “Understanding the Holocaust” and “Holocaust Explained” and the author of The Timechart History of Jewish Civilization.

Yes, of course Ollie. And if you actually look at the history, it begins with good old Karl Marx. But what I think is fascinating, if you’re going to see how all this information is first going to be taken up by the Trotskyites next time, that’s a very good point. When a member of the public reads these poisonous lies, why would they not believe them? The truth needs to be stated again and again and again. The truth is not of course, and does not go without saying.

That’s why I want to bring an expert in on it. You got to remember, Israel did have other problems to deal with. She had to gather the exiles. She had to build up a state without natural resources. She was constantly at war with her neighbors. I mean, and in a way, there is a stream in Zionism. Remember what Netanyahu said when he went to Paris at the time of those terrible attacks, what did he say to the grieving Jews? “Come home.”

Oh, they do contest them all the time. There are so many organisations. Maybe one of the problems is that we don’t come enough together on this. And it’s terrible on the campus. It’s terrible in some schools now. I can only talk about England ‘cause that’s the only country I know in any depth. And all I know is Jews are like everybody else. We quarrel with each other. We don’t actually come up with a serious plan with many organisations involved.