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James Suzman

About James Suzman

an image of James Suzman

James Suzman is a social anthropologist. He is the author of Affluence Without Abundance (2017) and Work (2020). He holds a PhD from Edinburgh University. In 2001 he was awarded the Smuts Commonwealth Fellowship in African Studies at Cambridge University. He is a fellow of Robinson College Cambridge. For much of the past three decades, James has been documenting the encounter between one of the world’s last community of autonomous hunter-gatherers, the Ju/’hoansi Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert, and the expanding global economy. Since 2014 he has been director of the anthropological research and support organization Anthropos based in Cambridge. In addition to his academic work, Suzman has written for theFinancial Times, the Guardian, the Observer, the Atlantic, the New York Times, the Sunday Times, New African, and Aeon.

James’s lectures (1)