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Yehudit Sasportas

About Yehudit Sasportas

an image of Yehudit Sasportas

Yehudit Sasportas is one of the most prominent and prolific Israeli artists working in the local and international art scene today. She is a senior professor at the Bezalel Academy for Art and Design in Jerusalem. She works in Tel Aviv and Berlin and is also a lecturer at the International Academy of Consciousness and Evolution (Germany and the US). Her work focuses on site-specific installations, which include sculptures, drawings, video, and sound works, and calls for an intense and overwhelming sensory experience. Her sculptural installations deal with a fascinating correspondence taking place between subconscious materials, unspoken and unseen, and the way these layers of information activate conscious areas across the surface. Yehudit represented Israel in the 2007 Venice Biennial and has presented more than ten international museum solo exhibitions during the last decade, in venues such as the Kunsthalle Basel, the Berkley Museum of Art, San Francisco, the Kunstverein Braunschweig, DA2 Domus Atrium, Salamanca, and the Israel Museum, Jerusalem.

Yehudit’s lectures (1)