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Jonathan Rose

About Jonathan Rose

an image of Jonathan Rose

Jonathan F.P. Rose’s business, public policy, teaching, writing, and nonprofit work focuses on creating more environmentally, socially, and economically just and resilient cities. In 1989 he founded Jonathan Rose Companies LLC, a multi-disciplinary real estate development, planning, project management, and investment firm, to address the challenges of the 21st century. He frequently lectures at graduate schools on business, architecture on affordable housing, community development, smart growth, and the environment. Jonathan’s book on how to create resilient cities, The Well-Tempered City: What Modern Science, Ancient Civilizations and Human Nature Teach Us About the Future of Urban Life, was published by in 2016. He has testified before US Senate and House Committees on housing, infrastructure, and environmental issues, and served as an advisor to the White House Office of Urban Affairs.

Jonathan’s lectures (1)